Minggu, 25 September 2011


Pada  hari MINGGU tgl. !8 = SEPT = 20!! Beberapa TV SWASTA  telah menyiarkan dan menayangkan terjadinya perbuatan anarchist dan pengrusakan sekaligus penghancuran terhadap patung = patung simbul BUDAYA JAWA yang berupa patung SEMAR dll di PURWAKARTA Jawa Barat.Pengrusakan dan penghancuran terhadap sibu=simbul  BUDAYA JAWA tsb. Dilakukan oleh gerombolan orang  orang yang bermental ARAB berjiwa ARAB dan berbudaya ARAB dengan alasan SIRIK.
BUDAYA JAWAyang  seharusnya dilestarikan dan  ditumbuh kembangkan dinegeri  sendiri  justru dihancurkan oleh warganya sendiri yang bermintal ARAB berjiwa ARAB dan berbudaya ARAB, sungguh sangat tragis. Kami sebagai anak bangsa INDONESIA yang ambil peduli atas masa depan bangsa dan NEGARA INDONESIA tidak mau menerima perbuatan anarchist tsb. yang terang-terangan menghancurkan BUDAYA JAWA dengan cara  yang sangat tidak terpuji untuk kemudian menggantinya dengan budaya ARAB. Kami juga mengharap kepada PEMERINTAH agar tidak menutup-nutupi perbuatan anarchist tsb sekaligus memberikan hukuman yang setimpal kepada para pelaku anarchist tsb.Kalau perbuatan anarchist tsb.dibiarkan oleh PEMERINTAH  pasti akan diulangi lagi dengan cara yang lebih tragis lagi yaitu BUDAYA NUSANTARA diseluruh INDONESIA akan dihancurkan  oleh mereka yang  bermintal berjiwa dan berbudaya ARAB;karena mereka menganggap PEMERINTAH takut dan tidak beraani menghadapi golongan mereka. Dengan demikian tercapailah cita cita mereka untuk mendirikan NEGARA ARAB dibumi NUSANTARA sesuai dengan  semboyan mereka yaitu  ‘: MARILAH MENUJU KEMENANGAN”.Akir kata bangsa INDONESIA berubah menjadi bangsa ARAB,yaitu ARAB hidung pesek.           

Rabu, 14 September 2011



                One  day  GOD  namely  SANG HYANG WENANG or  SANG HYANG TUNGGAL  created  a  GOLDEN EGG in  VIBRATING OUTER SPACE. Not so long from the egg appeared TOGOG figure as manifestation of GOLDEN EGG’S cover.Because VIBRATING OUTER SPACE was very quiet  TOGOG was very fear and then went back to cover of GOLDEN EGG. Not too long emerged SEMAR figure or SANG HYANG ISMOYO as manifestation of egg white.this figre namel y SEMAR was different with the other, SEMAR  was very dare to face lonely, even he sang to waste lonely.
TOGOG appeared again because TOGOG herd some one sang. TOGOG claimed towards  SEMAR in order to be eldest but SMAR refused sothat conflict each other. They efforted  to look for a witness and accidently there was a mountain. Booth made agreement who be able to swallow that mountain he was the eldest. TOGOG was gave opportunity for the first but he was fail, then next alternation was  SEMAR ; easily SEMAR swallowed the mountain  there fore TOGOG admitted  SEMAR as the eldest.Not so long appeared thirtd figure namely  BATARA  GURU or SANG HYANG MANIKMAYA,he had four hands and handsome, he was manifestation of egg yellow.
                After thirdly appeared then  emerged SANG HYANG WENANG or SANG HYANG TUNGGALto explane and gave duty towards  third figure of GOD. TOGOG parable of body was ordered to service the rich giant kng as the slave on the earth.SEMAR parable of feeling was ordered to service and took carefore and advise the KNIGHT in the earth namely PANDAWA.BATARA GURU simile of mind or thinking was ordered to manage or leaded all GOD in PARADISE and gave warning to BATARA GURU in order did not appose to SEMAR because the real power belong to SEMAR
                After herd explanation from SANG HYANG WENANG, TOGOG jumped out into the earth, BATARA GURU flew to PARADISE and SEMAR jumped out into the earth and then SANG HYANG WENANG followed after SEMAR and joined with SEMAR. That is why SEMAR always win to fight agains his enemy. Because SEMAR parable of feeling joined to SANG HYANG WENANG, simile of LIFE. It is necessary to be known a LIFE always sit at FEELING.